1. A good gamble?

South Deals
NS Vul

A Q 7

A Q J 10

J 5

K J 6 4

K 9 6

K 9 7 6 5 4  

10 4

9 7

10 8 5 4 3

8 2


A Q 5 3 2


J 2


A K Q 9 8 7 3 2

10 6

This produced a plethora of different results at a recent pairs event. Being vulnerable, only two Souths opened 5 and one North raised to 6 and the other sensibly bid 6NT to protect his Club King. The remaining Souths all opted for opening a 'Gambling 3NT', which sometimes was raised to 6NT by North. Not one West found the fatal club lead. On a heart lead against 6NT, declarer wins with the ten, runs all the diamonds and West is squeezed in the majors for thirteen tricks.