1961 Torquay, European Championships. Great Britain versus Italy, The British EW in the open room had an uninterrupted run to 4♠. In the closed room, however, Tony Priday as South opened with 3♣. West doubled and then, over East’s jump to 4♠, cue-bid 5♣. Cremoncini (East) went straight to 7♠. Unfortunately, due to his limited English, he thought he had only bid 6♠ (no bidding boxes then, nor screens, just good old-fashioned words). Tony Priday, on lead, assumed that, for the formidable Italians to have bid the Grand so confidently, his Ace of Clubs would be ruffed, so he led his Jack of Spades. Ten tricks later, Tony found himself holding King Nine of Hearts and the Ace of Clubs, whilst dummy had Ace Seven of Hearts and the King of Clubs. Declarer led his last spade (his other two cards were the Queen and Eight of Hearts) and that was that. Grand Slam made.